Glimpse Auto Accessories Return Policy

There may be times when you need to return your purchase. Our Returns Policy is designed to assist you in returning your product. We would like to remind you that the benefits given by our Returns Policy are in addition to other rights & remedies you may have under the New Zealand consumer law.

Product Assessment
We may need to conduct an assessment of your product to determine whether a repair, replacement or refund is appropriate. Certain technical products may need to be returned to the manufacture. 

Products assessed as having a minor fault will be repaired by the manufacturer & returned to you within a reasonable time. We offer a refund or replacement if the product is assessed as having a major failure.

How long do you have to claim?
Consumer guarantees under the  New Zealand Consumer Guarantee Act are not limited by a defined time period & can vary from product to product depending on factors such as the nature of goods, price & statements made on packaging & product labels. 

Any expenses relating to the return of your product  will normally have to be paid by you. 

In some cases a refund, replacement or repair may not be offered if you:

  • Substantially modify the product
  • Misuse the product contrary to user instructions or packaging labels
  • Simply change your mind

Your rights under the New Zealand Consumer Law
This Returns Policy is in addition to the conditions & guarantees which are mandatory as implied by the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (NZ).